Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Newest Project @ KCoJax Marketing -

It's quite beneficial that I'm such a big fan of immersing myself in marketing - because that's about all I've been doing for the last 7 or 10 or 12 days.  I've lost total track.  Anywho, if you follow my other blogs (you can find them in my profile) you know that I was released from my "day job" a little over a week ago.

Things have been very busy here as I've begun a full force mission to have revenue from my extensive list of projects as soon as possible.  Most of those projects will make it to this blog, but if you're truly interested, do find my other blogs on my Blogger profile and you can acquaint yourself with the entire mission =)

I'm pasting below a post I made a bit ago in my Journey to the Nucleus of my Noggin blog. (  This will be a new project - currently, my Mom and Mary and I are working on getting all linked up together, but if you're within our realm of readers and contacts and would like to become involved - please send a message with the links to your blogs/cafe press stores/websites, etc to with Blog Buddies in the subject line.

The Post::

I've blogged for years.  I have hundreds and hundreds of blogs that have never seen the light of day.

They sit - half done in my blogging queue, waiting for research or graphics or some other tidbit that would make a "finished product" out of them. 

At one point my mother decided she was going to blog. Her lack of 2010 Technology Know-How caused her to just start blogging right there on her Facebook page in the comments... It was hard to follow for anyone who hadn't known her their entire life - and sometimes required a second read for someone who had.   = )

I suggested she set up a blogger account.  A short run of classes ensued to teach her how to post, a few phone calls to walk her through getting setup with Networked Blogs and instruct her on setting things up to auto post to her Facebook profile and she was on her way ...

In February of 2010 she began posting in her blog
*The Bird's Eye View of the Katydid - A Simple Woman's Musings*

As time's gone on she written about everything from

In May, she wrote about the passing of Rascal Raccoon, gave away some petunia baskets and talked about her purchase of Flo Dunning's book, Summer Rain.

On October 23rd, she kicked things off with an absolute blow out regarding Facebook drama - saying the things many of us think -

An Excerpt from Mom's blog -
""There's another on my list that posts about 19 times a day & she'll say things like...."SO SO BUSY...How will I ever get it all done?" And I'm thinking...just put the little mouse down...and slowly back away from your computer...put on your little apron and JUST GET BUSY YOU LAZY DRAMA QUEEN!!! :-/ ""

On October 24th she absolutely knocked it out of the park with a blog any smoker should read - including me-

An Excerpt from Mom's blog -
""But before that 3 days is up and you get the time to get a call within 24hours from 'them'...and the office tells need to come back in immediately, doc needs to talk to you. You get a little nervous, but 'you' feel you go in thinking it's probably high blood sugar or some little something is off whack and it will all come out in the wash...but to your horror...he tells you..."I don't know how to tell you this...but you have cancer and it looks bad...we need to put you right in the hospital and do more testing."""

On October 29th she told a wonderful story about a little boy, a Coca-Cola and a Twinkie.

On November 5th, she did a doozie on multiple personalities and her tweaking of her writing style amid feedback and sometimes criticism. This one is actually one of my faves - she goes into a great little chatter right from the get-go about the feedback Daddy-O and I give her and how she doesn't know what to write about anymore.  Happily, the Universe rewarded her with feedback from friends and readers who said, "Say it however you want, it's your blog!"  .... and they're right

Yesterday's blog (12/10) discusses the 17 Day Diet

An Excerpt from Mom's blog -
All of the above was in the book...except the line I added about alternating walking/jogging in front of the tv..that's called 'interval exercise' and it's said to burn more calories than just walking OR jogging......the book was FILLED with details and info...I guess so we'd think we were getting our moneys worth..."I" would have been more content with a 5 page print off...with just the facts...but who asked 'me'?

I am definitely going to try this diet...and I'm going to begin tomorrow (Saturday)...and I hope many of you will join me and let's see what we can do by Christmas...what a gift to give ourselves a 10-15 pound weight loss for Christmas...if we start tomorrow...we will be finished with our 17 days on December 28th...

In yesterday's blog, she also gives an update on a local homeless boy.  My Mother's nosey nature has been and continues to be a blessing for many as it causes her to go above and beyond the call of duty to help total strangers. 
I called her one afternoon because I was approached by a man at a gas station in Metropolis who was looking for gas and food and had a car filled with children and a frantic looking wife.  Mom came in with her own private help fund, took them to the grocery for diapers and such - gave me some money and sent me to McDonald's to get some Cokes and cheeseburgers.  After two hours or so these folks were on their way and Mom was apologizing profusely that my entire afternoon had been taken up helping people.  (I like to help people, but I'm not as likely to "reprioritize things" for others as my Mom is)
I told her that it was fine and it was good for me to do things like that although I was a bit peeved that the decisions that those people had made in life-leading them to be broke and stranded in Metropolis had taken up MY entire afternoon.  (I'm a bit selfish that way - it comes from being the "baby sister")
A few days later, Mom found out that those folks were scheisters who travel our region scamming people.  That happens, but it's still touching to me when someone's heart is in the right place.  My heart is usually distracted with other things (my dreams and goals) and sometimes it takes my Mom to remind me that everyone needs someone to care about them.
Well enough of that mush-tasticness - YIKES!
Anywho, we currently have a little blogging buddies project going on over here at the Ocho - Today I've introduced you to my Mom's blog -  I'll be doing a piece in the next few days to introduce you to the blog of my friend, Mary.  Keep your eyes open for that!

Below is the widget for my Mom's Blog, Bird's Eye View of the Katydid - A Simple Woman's Musings. 

You can find the widget HERE if you would like to add it to your own blog or website.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I didn't know about your job until just now. I hope all is well. Get in touch with me sometime. I've been writing on my computer for a few months and I'm finally going to publish some articles on a dedicated blog.

    Check it out, let me know what you think. I'm adding new content to it now for the next couple weeks. I added a link to this blog on their too.




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