Ziglar Said It Best... "You can get everything in life you want, by helping other people get everything in life they want...", or something like that. That was the nuts and bolts of it anyway...
It occurred to me that I could totally save myself from picking up a clock in job if I would just put together a rate program and pick up monthly clients. This is something I've wanted to do for a while... and I have a few, but I haven't felt like I had the time to devote to it because I have really been scrambling and still not making ends meet...
Two days ago I sat down and put together some rate cards and a questionaire.. much like the ones I created years ago when I sold radio.. and took off into the town to drop in on a few folks.
My hope is to develop a bit of a Shop Metropolis campaign and I have all of the people at arm's length with which to do that... So I'm proceeding...
Yesterday I stopped in at the I-24 Antique Mall, Leaps and Bounds and Silver Collections to name a few...
I created the above graphic last night while unwinding from my day and I have several more in my hopper. I've made a Pinterest folder for this so that everyone will have easy access to the images.
Stay tuned ...
Have a Grand and Groovy Day!
Be Kind to One Another...
and Don't Text and Drive!